Saturday, September 25, 2010

My daily roteen......................

My daily roteen is like any other person in the world . I get up at 5 am in the morning take  bath and go to the mosqe to pray al fajar prayer. At 6 I eat my breakfast , at 6.30 i get ready to go to the college , i reach to the college at 7.15 , my first class start at 8 and finesh at 10 , from 10 to 11 in my break, from 11 to 1 pm is my second class.

I go to my house at 2 from the college and reach there at 3 pm , when i reach home i pray al duhur prayer , and after that i eat my lunch and sleep tell 5.30 , after i get up i pray al asar prayer and study tell 7 .

At 7 i go to the cety center and make some new girl friends tell 9.00 , from 9 to 10 i eat my denner and sleep at 10.30.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha
    I didn't see any routine like this
    You have girlfriend Haaaa nice nice braat
    All the best with your girlfriend ^_^
